Sunday, July 13, 2008

Thing #6

I played around with Image Chef a lot! I tried the cartoon maker but could not get it to work- might be my computer at home- it looked like a very cool program. I can see a lot of possibilities for library promotion. I have to confess that I thought it would be funny to make a catalog of Medical Library bling for an April Fool's day in the Library. Oh, and I really loved the trading cards that the Library staff at Carleton did!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Thing #5

I loved the color finder to find photos that have a similar color. I went for lime green and found lots of beautiful photos of foliage. I also really liked the spelling with FLIKR photos and went through lots of names and words with images. I can't remember the name of the application where I made a slideshow of lots of people's photos of hamsters--that was great, too. The badge creator was big fun but my daughter had to help me a little bit.

How would I use this in my library--other than to amuse myself? ;-) I can see doing a nice slideshow of images from my library and/or institution.

Thing #5

Thing #5 Fun with Flikr

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